Our Personal Water Journey

We used 66,000 gallons of water last year. As the chart in my last post shows, a lot of homes used less. Our use works out to 90 gallons per day per person (we are a 2-person household). We actually used more water over the past few years.

This water use trend excludes water wasted from a couple of leaks we’ve had, because we’re focusing only on how much we can do through conservation. We’ll do a more detailed analysis later to show the “water cost” our leaks have created.

We’ve been working at getting our water consumption down. We used 124 gallons per day per person in 2019, 115 in 2020, 97 in 2021, and 90 last year. Helping us is we have mature desert landscaping that we water only 4-5 times a year for 1.5 hours each time. Hurting us is we have an irregular shape pool – so no option for a cover. Helping – we have recirculating hot water.

We’ll keep trying to improve. I keep a running 12-month moving average, making it a game of sorts. Here’s our water use trend.

I posted this information on Nextdoor and someone commented, “We went from 60K in 2021 to 51K in 2022. New house more visitors in 2021 than 2022 and conservation. But again, more visitors use more water just in our homes. Keep fighting to stop the short-term rentals because they wouldn’t be even close to 51 or 60K a year with short term rentals.” Good point. And although Patty and I haven’t tried this yet, here’s an idea to try if you have a lot of guests.

Please share your comments on this topic and tell me about
other Ivins issues I have not addressed in recent posts. 
Email me at Mike@MikeScott4Ivins.com.

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