Creating the Ivins Arts Corridor

The Ivins City Arts Commission is kicking off “Out of the Desert,” an ambitious and exciting plan to develop a vibrant visual Arts Corridor stretching from the Kayenta Arts Village, down Kwavasa Drive, through the City along Center Street, up to Tuachan and along Snow Canyon Parkway to the Black Desert Mustang Roundabout. Proposed projects include:

  • Sculptures for current and future roundabouts
  • A mural on the fire station facing Heritage Park, celebrating Ivins City 100th Anniversary
  • Wrapping the large roadside utility boxes with art by local artists

The Commission in partnership with Kayenta Arts Foundation is applying for matching funds from the National Endowment for the Arts to double the impact of individual and business donations. The goal is to raise $150,000 in donations and pledges by the end of July and apply for the grant in August.

The City Council has already set aside $20,000 of RAP tax funds for this.  All contributions will be received by Kayenta Arts Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, so donations are tax deductible.

Contact me if you would like more information or would like to learn more firsthand from a member of the Arts Commission. Please consider making a one-time, annual, or monthly contribution to support this worthwhile project. Pledges may be fulfilled over the next three years. To Donate/Pledge Online:

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other Ivins issues I have not addressed in recent posts. 
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